Friday, July 19

Day Six at Camp Areté: A Day of Celebration

Brad began our day with an insightful breakdown of God’s will, highlighting its three distinct domains:

  1. God’s Sovereign Will: This includes His decrees—those things that “will” happen, as Brad explained. These are the events and outcomes that God has ordained.
  2. God’s Moral Will: These are the instructions given to us in His Word, guiding us on how to live in a manner that pleases Him. This encompasses His commands and teachings.
  3. God’s Personal Will: This is where believers are called to exercise wisdom in their decision making. When we live according to God’s moral will, the choices within His personal will often come down to discerning between what is good, better, or best. It emphasizes the freedom and responsibility we have to apply wisdom in our daily lives remembering that choosing the best always brings the most glory to God.

Jeff continued by delving into Daniel 3, recounting the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. In the face of King Nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of one of the most powerful and pagan empires, these three men stood firm in their faith, trusting God for their deliverance. Jeff skillfully connected this historical narrative to the personal lives of our campers, many of whom will encounter situations requiring them to stand firm in their faith and trust God amidst challenges. His message reinforced the importance of not being swayed by the world’s pressures but instead, relying on God’s Word and His promises.

Pastor Dave guided us through Daniel 9:24–27, exploring the prophecy of seventy “weeks” (sevens) determined for Israel and the holy city. This prophecy outlines:

  1. Seven Weeks (49 years): The time from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem until its completion.
  2. Sixty-Two Weeks (434 years): The period from the rebuilding of Jerusalem until the coming of the Anointed One (Messiah), who will be cut off.
  3. One Week (7 years): The final period involving a covenant that will be broken, leading to desolation.

Between the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks, there is gap known as the Church Age, where God’s focus shifts from Israel to the Gentiles. The prophecy concludes with the final seven years (the seventieth week), culminating in the ultimate restoration of Israel.

Today was undoubtedly the highlight of our week. Last year, Olivia accepted Christ as her personal Savior right here at Camp Areté. This year, her brother Cooper, one of our outstanding camp counselors, had the privilege of baptizing her. Witnessing Olivia’s public declaration of her new identity in Christ was a wonderful blessing for Cooper and the entire camp community. We are overjoyed and grateful to have shared this special moment.

A quick note from Director Jeff:
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for your prayers, support, and for entrusting us with your young men and women. Our Lord assembled an incredible team this year, and I am proud to say they did a fantastic job walking in the works our Heavenly Father prepared beforehand. Thank you for being part of this work with us whether it’s through your generous monetary support, through prayers or both.

With love and gratitude,

Jeff Phipps
Director, Camp Areté

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